Top 2015 ag & food deals and trends, and 2016 insights, in free GAI News report

GAI News, in collaboration with HighQuest Consulting, just released a free, 26-page report: Global Ag & Food Investment in 2015: A Look at the Deals, the Trends, and What’s to Come.

GAI News, in collaboration with HighQuest Consulting, just released a free, 26-page report: Global Ag & Food Investment in 2015: A Look at the Deals, the Trends, and What’s to Come. With examination of 34 new agri-food funds and over 300 completed deals, accounting for $116.9 billion in transactions, the report showcases a year of possibility born from a new attitude of boldness in the agribusiness investment community.

“Last year held surprises, opportunities, and disappointments for the agriculture asset class, all of them demonstrating the fact that ag commerce represents a significant player in the global economy,” said Sarah Day Levesque, editor-in-chief of GAI News and lead author of the report. “Venture capitalists, agtech firms, the emerging cannabis sector, and market consolidation all contributed to disruption in this emerging investment sector, while global capital flow remained strong with new regional leaders stepping up, including Africa and Asia.”

Global Ag & Food Investment in 2015: A Look at the Deals, the Trends, and What’s to Come was curated from industry news, financial transactions and influential macro-economic trends across six continents as tracked daily by Global AgInvesting and provided in daily and weekly GAI News Services. A look at some of the intelligence therein includes:

  • Among new funds, the leading subsectors were in agtech (31 percent), agribusiness (31 percent) and cannabis (10 percent).
  • Among the 34 new agri-food funds, venture capital deals led the increase, representing 35 percent of launches.
  • Adding to the $116.9 billion capital flow into the sector are 120 deals of undisclosed amounts, and more than $100 billion in announcements of government intentions for future allocations to agriculture.
  • Mergers and acquisitions in the agri-food sector were up nearly 20 percent from 2014 to 2015, accounting for $86.4 billion in 130 tracked deals.
  • Africa saw the highest investment activity of any other continent with $3.08 billion in 2015.
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