Specialized nutrition and feed course held

Swine nutritionists and feed millers from Japan traveled to the IGP Institute to participate in the USSEC Japan Soybean Meal Feed and Swine Nutrition Training Program.

As the eighth leading pork producer in the world, Japanese industry professionals have looked to Kansas State University for new ways to improve their swine nutrition and feed milling programs. Swine nutritionists and feed millers traveled to IGP Institute Jan. 10-15 to participate in the USSEC Japan Soybean Meal Feed and Swine Nutrition Training Program.

The course was structured to teach nutritional components and requirements as well as feed manufacturing for swine through lectures, workshops, guest speakers and field trips. Participants were invited and sponsored by U.S. Soybean Export Council to increase their knowledge in the swine nutrition and feed manufacturing fields. Course instructor Carlos Campabadal says that the partnership with USSEC is crucial.

“All U.S. grain buyers benefit from our membership with USSEC when they attend these courses because we know what their clients, the buyers, are looking for,” says Campabadal, feed manufacturing and grain quality management curriculum manager.

Course participant Toshiharu Taguchi, a feed manager at SEW Saisaikai Farms in Japan, says that he is interested in operating his own swine nutrition program. Taguchi said, “I was interested in coming to IGP Institute to observe United States swine facilities since I want to operate my own swine nutrition program. I will take back the information that I learned from Carlos on feed quality control.”

This is one example of the specialized trainings offered by IGP Institute in feed manufacturing and grain quality management. In addition, IGP faculty also leads courses in grain marketing and risk management, and flour milling and grain processing. To learn more about IGP, visit the website at www.grains.ksu.edu/igp.

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