Indiana Packers expanding pork plant

Pork processing company Indiana Packers Corporation has plans to expand its operations in Delphi, Indiana.

Andrea Gantz | Indiana Packers Corporation is expanding its pork and bacon processing facility in Delphi, Indiana.
Andrea Gantz | Indiana Packers Corporation is expanding its pork and bacon processing facility in Delphi, Indiana.

Pork processing company Indiana Packers Corporation has plans to expand its operations in Delphi, Indiana.

The expansion is expected to create 91 new jobs by 2016. Indiana Packers is a subsidiary of Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation, and the companies will invest $40.6 million in the expansion project. The Indiana facility, which is a joint venture between Mitsubishi and Itoham Foods, processes pork and bacon for the U.S., Japan and Mexico.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence joined Mitsubishi executives in Tokyo on September 15 to announce the expansion plans.

“This new facility will enable us to produce more of our award winning Indiana Kitchen branded bacon while providing additional jobs in this region,” said Russ Yearwood, president and CEO of Indiana Packers Corporation. “We applaud the state of Indiana’s leadership for being a strong advocate for agriculture in this country. We also thank the City of Delphi and the State of Indiana for their continued support as we invest in our future.”
Founded in 1991, Indiana Packers produces 3.5 million pounds of fresh pork daily. Offering smoked meat product lines under the Indiana Kitchen brand, the company works closely with local livestock farmers and their feed suppliers to provide local meat choices. Indiana Packers serves retail and food service customers across the country, with the majority of its customers located in the Midwest.  

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation offered Indiana Packers Corporation up to $475,000 in conditional tax credits and up to $28,000 in training grants based on the company’s job creation plans. These incentives are performance-based, meaning until Indiana residents are hired, the company is not eligible to claim incentives.

 Applications for employment at the growing facility are already being taken. 

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