China updates feed labeling law

In an effort to bring internal feed manufacturing practices closer to international standards, China has just revised Feed Labeling norm (GB 10648-2013), effective July 1, 2014. The Feed Labeling norm and The Hygienic Standard for Feed norm are two national mandatory standards that regulate the feed industry.

In an effort to bring internal feed manufacturing practices closer to international standards, China has just revised Feed Labeling norm (GB 10648-2013), effective July 1, 2014.


The Feed Labeling norm and The Hygienic Standard for Feed norm are two national mandatory standards that regulate the feed industry. The ultimate goal, of course, is to improve product quality and safety.


The revised Feed Labeling norm requires the following six steps:


1.    Definition terms such as ‘feed’, ‘feed ingredients’, and ‘feed additives’ are added, whereas claims such as “prevention and treatment of diseases” are no longer allowed on nutritional products bearing feed labels.

2.    All nutritional products should adopt common nomenclature requiring the use of common names.

3.    All recommended dosages and any precaution notices should be included in labels for premixes containing vitamins, minerals, and any additive.

4.    Products containing animal-derived ingredients, GMO ingredients, or being specifically commissioned or designed products, or being made from imported ingredients should mention so on their labels.

5.    The production date on the Chinese label of any imported product should be the same as that on the label of  the original product.

6.    All labels should be clearly seen in their entirety, without the need to open the package.


Seen from outside, it appears all six steps are reasonable requirements that will allow the Chinese feed industry to comply with international practices. They also enhance its image and level the field of play for imported and domestic products.

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