Catalonia animal health research groups integrated

The Department ofAgriculture, Livestock, Fishery, Food, and Environment (DAAM) of the governmentof Catalonia has approved the integration of the Centre for Animal HealthResearch (CReSA) Foundation into the Institute for Agri-Food Research andTechnology (IRTA).

The Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishery, Food, and Environment (DAAM) of the government of Catalonia has approved the integration of the Centre for Animal Health Research (CReSA) Foundation into the Institute for Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA). With the approval, the governing council has been given the green light to the agreement by which it authorizes the global cessation of assets and liabilities, and subsequent dissolution of the CReSA Foundation in favor of IRTA.

The CReSA Foundation was created by IRTA and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 1999. The aim of the foundation was the collaboration between the UAB, IRTA, and the private sector, to promote research and technological development, studies, and education in the field of animal health, in all its aspects.

All CReSA´s capacities will be integrated into the scientific structure of IRTA. This will increase IRTA´s potential for development favoring the compliance of its mission: "To contribute to modernize, improve, boost competitiveness, and foster sustainable development in the agrarian, food, and aquatic fields, the supply of healthier, quality foodstuff for the consumers and, in general, improve the well-being of the population."

On the other hand, an agreement between IRTA and the UAB was signed to ensure a continuity in the collaboration at institutional level between both entities, which to date has given good results.

CReSA´s integration into IRTA is a clear future opportunity, completely aligned with the goals of IRTA ant the UAB, which allows having a consolidated, widely recognized center that is a national and international reference in the animal health sector.

IRTA will continue the activities of the foundation, as it has the capacities to integrate CReSA´s activities on animal health, while complying with the rationalization and simplification promoted by the government in the public sector with the dissolution of the foundation.
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