Japan establishes PEDv control measures

Japan’s Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry has establisheda set of measures against porcine epidemic diarrhea  (PED) virus that focus on thorough hygienemanagement at pig farms and the steady supply of vaccines. The ministry expectsto have special manuals on the new measures printed in or around September.

Japan’s Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry has established a set of measures against porcine epidemic diarrhea  (PED) virus that focus on thorough hygiene management at pig farms and the steady supply of vaccines. The ministry expects to have special manuals on the new measures printed in or around September.

Under the planned measures, areas hit by PED virus outbreaks would be designated by prefectural governments as special communicable disease control zones, where sterilization and other measures would be taken to prevent PED virus from spreading, according to a report from the Japan News.

Details of the special zone designation system will be worked out through discussions with industry experts. The ministry will also consider steps to help out farms hit by PED virus outbreaks.

After a seven-year absence, PED virus returned to Japan in October 2013. Since that time, more than 220,000 pigs have died in 38 prefectures in Japan. The amount of new PED virus cases has been decreasing in recent weeks, a ministry official said, but it continues to be a problem and the new PED virus control measures are hoped to further the battle against the virus.

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