RA-SE Genetics boars sent to new artificial insemination station

RE-SE Genetics boars sent to new artificial insemination station Isolated station in Central Hungary puts emphasis on high health for better production efficiency Thefirst group of 54 boars of RA-SE Genetics  was sent from nucleus farms inEngland and Belgium to a new, modern artifi

The first group of 54 boars of RA-SE Genetics was sent from nucleus farms in England and Belgium to a new, modern artificial insemination station, located close to the village of Tiszagyenda, in Central Hungary. The station is operated by Középtiszai Mezőgazdasági Zrt.

MaxiMus, OptiMus and female line boars will produce semen from May and beyond. The high health status of the boars at the station will be used in the Hungarian market as well as for export purposes.

“By sending boars free of myco, APP and PRRS, RA-SE genetics sends a clear message to the market that the focus in the next decade will be on high health for better production efficiency,” said Geert Rombouts, RA-SE Genetics.

The move represents dramatic changes in pig production in Europe over the past several years. Fewer integrated structures are producing a bigger share of the slaughter pigs to market. Some also invest in modern artificial insemination stations to maximize genetic efficiency and health control.

The new artificial insemination station is located in a very isolated part of the Hungary, which helps to reduce infection risks.

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