Meriden targets swine industry in Philippines with seminar

Meriden Animal Health recently held a seminar for customers in Davao,Southern Philippines, entitled “Key Solutions to Swine Intestinal Health.” The Meridenswine seminar was held in conjunction with Vethealth Corporation, Meriden'sdistributor in the Philippines and Vethealth's dealer, Li-Dav Agribis Inc.

Meriden Animal Health recently held a seminar for customers in Davao, Southern Philippines, entitled "Key Solutions to Swine Intestinal Health." The Meriden swine seminar was held in conjunction with Vethealth Corporation, Meriden's distributor in the Philippines and Vethealth's dealer, Li-Dav Agribis Inc. The aim of the seminar was to introduce Meriden's pioneering product range to 25 key customers within the swine industry.

The products introduced to the delegates included Orego-Stim, a 100 percent natural phytobiotic which works in the gut to improve the overall health of all types of livestock animals.

Vethealth Corporation was represented by Marielle Occidental, who prepared the opening speech and introduced the company to the delegates. Dr. Chloe Loh from Meriden Animal Health presented the technical product information and hosted the question and answer (Q&A) session.

Dr. Chloe Loh said: "The seminal was very successful, with the participants curious and eager to know more about Meriden's products during the Q&A. There was also time for more individual discussion during the buffet dinner, which followed afterwards."

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