Dutch pig farmers petition against rule limiting time sows can be in stalls

Pigproducers in the Netherlands are signing a petition against a rule that allowsDutch farmers to keep sows in stalls for only four days. Those signing thepetition question the rule’s fairness, as the January 2013 European partial sowstall ban allows European Union producers to keep sows in stalls for four weeks,yet a four-day rule is in effect in the Netherlands.

Pig producers in the Netherlands are signing a petition against a rule that allows Dutch farmers to keep sows in stalls for only four days. Those signing the petition argue the rule's fairness, as the January 2013 European partial sow stall ban allows European Union producers to keep sows in stalls for four weeks, yet a four-day rule is in effect in the Netherlands.

According to reports from the National Pig Association, a large number of Dutch producers have signed a petition against the four-day rule, and the farming minister is being challenged on the issue in the Netherlands House of Commons.

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