Genetics = tasty pork chops?

There are no good or bad pig genetics. It's all about market preference.

Once, I asked my boss: Which genetic line do we believe is the best to suggest to our clients?

His answer?

"We certainly like them all as we want to feed them all."

Back then, I was working for a nutrition company, and I was young and "innocent." In reality, there are no good or bad genetics. It's all about market preference and what makes money for the folks who raise the pigs. But, there is a "bone" here that I need to pick, or what editor would I be?

As a scientist, I can understand that lean pigs are more profitable to raise than fat pigs. But, as a consumer, I need to ask a tricky question: Did genetics reach a point where too lean a pork chop is no longer as tasty as it used to be?

Here the secret is intramuscular fat, not backfat. In markets where juicy pork is preferred, there is nothing better than having some extra marbling in it. Yes, perhaps it is not as healthy, some will say, but I reply, why eat other fats and oils and not enjoy a super tasting pork chop, or ham?

Now, how do we get more intramuscular fat in our genetic lines, without increasing undesirable backfat thickness? As a nutritionist, I know of perhaps a couple of ways, but reading this issue will probably give you an extra idea or two. Certainly, genetic houses will have more to say. Just ask them!

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