Top Feed Companies expanded for 2013, now available online

In past years, Feed International has published a yearly report on top feed companies that contained a listing of the worldwide feed producers with over 1 million metric tons of annual production, along with a commentary on developments among the leading companies.We are introducing greatly expanded content on the leading companies, listing the 84 companies we've identified worldwide here in Feed International.

This table shows the 100 leading compound feed producers in the world, ranked by actual production
This table shows the 100 leading compound feed producers in the world, ranked by actual production

In past years, Feed International has published a yearly report on top feed companies that contained a listing of the worldwide feed producers with over 1 million metric tons of annual production, along with a commentary on developments among the leading companies.

We are introducing greatly expanded content on the leading companies, listing the 84 companies we've identified worldwide here in Feed International. Beside each company is a direct link to the full listing on the company in our online Top Feed Companies database at

Online information includes a summary about the company, with information on number of feed mills, production tonnage, production capacity and location of the the company's headquarters. If you are not already a subscriber to Feed International or registered user of, registration will be required to access this information.

Once you are online, you can see an expanded version of the listing in this issue. Additional companies are listed, and we have made an effort to identify multinational companies and their subsidiaries. A "+" sign in the left-hand column of the online listing for a company at  indicates it's a company with multiple subsidiaries. Clicking on the "+" will give you a list of that company's subsidiaries, with direct links to each company's full information.

You can also search the online database by company, region or country.

The data listed in the charts in this magazine can be downloaded in an Excel spreadsheet by going to

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