French poultry farmers smash eggs in protest of prices, higher production costs

Poultry farmers in France have reportedly threatened to intensify a protest over low egg prices by smashing thousands of eggs on the streets of Brittany, France's main poultry producing region.French egg farmers are angry due to over production and expensive renovations needed to meet European standards on hen houses.

Fred Tanneau/AFP – Getty Images | A French egg producer throws eggs in a mail box in front of the taxes and internal revenue service office in Carhaix-Plouguer, Brittany, France.
Fred Tanneau/AFP – Getty Images | A French egg producer throws eggs in a mail box in front of the taxes and internal revenue service office in Carhaix-Plouguer, Brittany, France.

Poultry farmers in France have reportedly threatened to intensify a protest over low egg prices by smashing thousands of eggs on the streets of Brittany, France's main poultry producing region.

French egg farmers are angry due to over production and expensive renovations needed to meet European standards on hen houses. Farmers say they are making just $0.94 per kilogram of eggs, down from $1.47 per kilogram in 2012. 

The head of Brittany's egg producers' lobby, Yves-Marie Beaudet, says he "understands the movement" that began August 6, when local reports say nearly 15 masked farmers dumped pallets of thousands of eggs in front of a grocery store in Ploumagoar. The action has continued nightly in the region since.

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