KFC most powerful brand for Chinese consumers

KFC is the most powerful brand with Chinese consumers, according to research conducted by global brand research company Millward Brown, conducted on behalf of the BBC. Between 2011 and 2013, Millward Brown carried out almost 60,000 face-to-face and online interviews with consumers in 10 Chinese cites.

KFC is the most powerful brand with Chinese consumers, according to research conducted by global brand research company Millward Brown, conducted on behalf of the BBC.

Between 2011 and 2013, Millward Brown carried out almost 60,000 face-to-face and online interviews with consumers in 10 Chinese cites. The company then analyzed its findings, ranking brands on how "meaningful," "different" or "salient" they were and how easily they came into consumers' minds.

"Our research shows that in the last three years, trust in Chinese brands has eroded quite dramatically," says Millward Brown's Peter Walshe. "This is an opportunity for well-known and well-supported international brands to make their move as consumers start to value quality and experience as much as price."

KFC, owned by Yum! Brands, however, has a long-established position in China and entered the market in 1987. KFC has 4,400 restaurants in 850 cities and is expected to add another 700 outlets this year.

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