VIV Russia changes format, reports success

VIV Russia 2013, held in Moscow from May 21-2, reported success with the updated, global exhibition format. The number of exhibitors, around 350, remained stable compared to 2011.

VIV Russia 2013, held in Moscow from May 21-2, reported success with the updated, global exhibition format. The number of exhibitors, around 350, remained stable compared to 2011. However, the number of visitors increased by of 1.8 percent, to a total of 6,538 for this year's edition. Exhibitors rated VIV Russia 2013 with a 6.8, visitors rated the event with 8.4. The results of the VIV Russia survey have been analyzed, and the reactions and recommendations have been identified.

"The overall conclusion is that the stronger emphasis on quality and our pure business-to-business approach have been steps in the right direction," said Guus van Ham, Project Manager of VIV Russia 2013. "What we noticed is that the Russian market is rather challenging at the moment. The interest due on loans and the desired return on investments mean that a lot of large scale projects are facing a lot of difficulties.

"But that will not prevent the successful, further development of VIV Russia in the future. Our format appears to be popular, but there are still some segments within the trade fair concept that can be further developed. We knew it was a very wise move to devote attention to the still-growing poultry chain, with additional attention to the turkey sector. This was demonstrated by a fully booked Turkey Conference and a successful World's Poultry Science Association meeting. But we can also apply this template more intensively to the pig chain, dairy sector and feed production sector in general. We want to take another step forward. In the future, we will match Russian and international expertise even more intensively when compiling the total program."

The success of the new, themed approach was underlined by positive reactions from visitors and exhibitors. Dinar Sadykov, head of the Certification Center "Halal" said, "As one of the founding partners of the Eurasian Association of Poultry Farmers, we received a lot of interest from manufacturers both from Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. During the three days of the exhibition many meetings with owners and managers of poultry farms from Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan took place at the stand of the Eurasian Association of Poultry Farmers."

"At our stand, we arranged the presentations of technological capabilities of our partner companies Alfa Laval, Anglia Autoflow, Hog Slat and Spectra Vet. Presentations by experts gathered a large number of visitors and interested many Russian farmers. As a result of the participation, AVIS and its partners plan to take the joint stand at the next show, to be held in 2015 in Moscow," said Natalia Yakovleva, president and founder of GC AVIS.

The combination of a trade fair and parallel programs was relatively new for VIV Russia. "We are seeing that we can offer an even higher level of contact, both at the trade fair itself and during the parallel programs, with conferences and seminars. These aspects also drew a very positive reception. This is really providing our exhibitors, partners and visitors exactly with what they want: good programs, prominent speakers, market information. And that in addition to a successful trade event where all the key suppliers from all the segments - from feed to meat  are represented," van Ham said.

The parallel programs and specific themes such as CropTech-FeedTech and MeatTech were well received, as well as the focus on animal health and animal welfare. In the main conference Nan-Dirk Mulder, food and agriculture research analyst for Rabobank presented the strategic outlook for the Russian meat industry towards 2020. Natalia Shagaida, director of agricultural and food policy at the Russian Academy of the National Economy and Presidential Public Administration, presented a report on the challenges to better utilize the unused arable land as one opportunity to support future growth of the food production in Russia. Professor Valery Afanasiev, president of the Union of Animal feed producers, focused on the prospects of animal feed production in Russia. Russia plans to increase the production of animal feed from 21 million tons to 40 million tons by 2020.

In his report, Vladimir Fisinin, first vice-president of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, president of the Russian Poultry Union and president of the Russian branch of World Poultry Science Association, discussed the basic requirements for modern feed lines and improvements in the effectiveness and nutritional value of feed as a critical factor for poultry development. In a specialized turkey production program, several international experts presented the key aspects of modern turkey rearing methods. The forum "Comprehensive Approach to Veterinary Welfare on Poultry Farms" was opened by Galina Bobyleva, CEO of Rosptitsesoyuz with her report "Economic Factors in the Development of the Poultry Industry and World Trade Organization Regulations." She emphasized that the main objective of poultry industry was to ensure that healthy birds produce healthy products that meet the demand from the market.

As for the next year's program, van Ham said, "We can already announce that we, together with our organising partner ASTI Group, will be focusing specifically on our Russian visitors, with a dedicated Russian Day. We will be inviting specific Russian investors to attend VIV Europe 2014. They will receive a VIP treatment and the event will have an exclusive character with receptions, excursions and meetings with top entrepreneurs. All our communications concerning VIV Europe will be provided in Russian, as well as in Spanish and English."

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