USDA lowers poultry, egg production forecast

The 2013 forecast of U.S. poultry and egg production islowered from last month, according to the USDA’s April 10 World AgriculturalSupply and Demand Estimates report.  U.S. broiler production for 2013 is forecast at37.93 billion pounds, a 15 million pound decrease from the March projections.

The 2013 forecast of U.S. poultry and egg production is lowered from last month, according to the USDA's April 10 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report.

U.S. broiler production for 2013 is forecast at 37.93 billion pounds, a 15 million pound decrease from the March projections. The forecast for the first quarter is down based on production data to date, but subsequent quarters show no significant change. Ending stocks were raised 10 million pounds to 635 million when compared to the March estimates.

U.S. turkey production for the year is forecast at 6.11 billion pounds, down 65 million pounds from the March report. The USDA made the projection based on reduced turkey price and a slowdown in poult placements. Ending stocks remained unchanged at 300 million pounds.

Egg production in the U.S. was forecast at 7.855 million dozen, down 10 million dozen from the March projections. The forecast was lowered, reflecting recent hatchery data.

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