Poultry breeder Aviagen names technical service managers

Poultry breeding company Aviagen has appointed Stuart Thomson and Glenn Bushell as technical service managers. As technical service managers, they will work closely with UK customers to provide advice and support as well as service accounts in other European markets.

Stuart Thomson and Glenn Bushell
Stuart Thomson and Glenn Bushell

Poultry breeding company Aviagen has appointed Stuart Thomson and Glenn Bushell as technical service managers

As technical service managers, they will work closely with UK customers to provide advice and support as well as service accounts in other European markets.  They will cooperate with technical teams in Spain, France and Italy, as well as being an integral part of the wider Aviagen European technical team.

Thomson has been with Aviagen since 1998, with his previous experience covering Pedigree and GP Production Management, and supporting Aviagen European businesses.  “I am relishing my new role and the chance to share the knowledge I have built up over the last 14 years with the industry,” said Thomson.

Bushell has more than 20 years’ experience of the global poultry industry and has worked in various production management and technical support positions with major poultry businesses in Africa. As a former Aviagen customer, he has a comprehensive insight into what is required, both from the customer and supplier side, which will be essential for his new role.

“I am delighted to be Aviagen and look forward to using my expertise, skills and experience in this innovative and exciting business,” said Bushell.  

Reporting directly to Aviagen Regional Commercial & Technical Manager Europe, Alan Thomson, Bushell and Thomson will join Lindsay Broadbent in the existing team and provide on-the-ground technical support to customers and coordinate technical specialist inputs. They will also focus on data-analyzing and benchmarking, providing feed-back on product performance to customers and into the Aviagen R&D program.

Alan Thomson said: “I am delighted to welcome Stuart and Glenn to the team. They bring a combined experience of over 30 years to their roles and their appointments will help us support our UK customer-base in particular but also our customers and Aviagen colleagues in Europe. Our team continues to strengthen and it remains my objective that this translates into more visibility, quality and availability of technical support to our customers.“

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