Informa Economics announces staff promotions

Informa Economics Inc. has announced several staff promotions within the company. Senior Vice President Don Frahm will take on the added role of chief economist.

Informa Economics Inc. has announced several staff promotions within the company.

Senior Vice President Don Frahm will take on the added role of chief economist. His primary responsibilities are long-term forecasting/planning and client service, and he will coordinate across commodities the consistency of Informa’s Crop Group market analyses. Vice President Don Riffe will take on the added role of director of crops economic research, where he will oversee the company's fundamental supply/demand and market research activities related to the major crops. Bill McCary was named director of world acreage and production, and his responsibilities include analyzing acreage and yield prospects for the world. 

Mickey Luth was promoted to director of commodity price analysis. He is a member of Informa’s Crops Group, contributing to Informa’s grains and oilseeds research and analysis, including contributing to various Informa-based websites. Nate Donnay was promoted to director of dairy services, and he is primarily responsible for fundamental research, analysis and forecasting in the global and domestic dairy markets. Mark Jordan was promoted to director of poultry and egg services, and he heads up research of the broiler, turkey and egg industries in addition to supporting research efforts associated with special projects involving livestock and poultry.

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