Cobb hosts first China technical school

The first Cobb technical school in China, which focused on breeder, hatchery and broiler management, ventilation and biosecurity, attracted 50 participants from 28 companies to the three-day event at Hangzhou. Major integrators, including Tyson China, Chai Tai group, OSI China and the Fengxiang Group were represented at the event where specialists from both the Cobb World Technical Support Team and the company’s Asian technical personnel covered the important industry topics.

The first Cobb technical school in China, which focused on breeder, hatchery and broiler management, ventilation and biosecurity, attracted 50 participants from 28 companies to the three-day event at Hangzhou.

Major integrators, including Tyson China, Chai Tai group, OSI China and the Fengxiang Group were represented at the event where specialists from both the Cobb World Technical Support Team and the company’s Asian technical personnel covered the important industry topics. Cobb broiler specialists Eduardo de Souza and Andrew Bourne used case studies as a teaching method, analyzing the problems found in field examples and involving the delegates in how to rectify them.  

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