Home Grown Cereals Authority to invest in nutrient management

The Home Grown Cereals Authority, HGCA, will invest £700,000 in nutrient management research to help growers balance nutrient supply and demand and contribute to yield improvements in wheat and oilseed rape.

The Home Grown Cereals Authority, HGCA, will invest £700,000 in nutrient management research to help growers balance nutrient supply and demand and contribute to yield improvements in wheat and oilseed rape.

To help growers improve nutrient use, the HGCA has requested that the research community submits ideas for new work that develops:

  • Information to improve management of phosphate on UK farms, which could include further research on critical levels of P, P-decline and crop response to fresh applications of P.
  • Information to improve efficiency of macronutrient and micronutrient use on UK farms, which could include further research on soil nitrogen supply, starter fertilizers, fertilizer application methods, timings, rates and stabilizers.

The ideas, including plans to deliver practical information to the industry, must be presented to the HGCA by January 18, 2013.

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