New look for WATT magazines, new features and new registration process

We have made a major change to the distribution of our digital editions and access to stories from the digital editions on This was done to better serve our readers by learning more about them and their information needs.

You will see magazine-only stories featured on Simply click on the story, and the website will guide you through process of accessing the story.
You will see magazine-only stories featured on Simply click on the story, and the website will guide you through process of accessing the story.

We have made a major change to the distribution of our digital editions and access to stories from the digital editions on This was done to better serve our readers by learning more about them and their information needs. 

If you have been reading our digital editions, you will notice some minor changes when we ask you to register on or subscribe to our magazines. There is no cost to you, and once you have completed the simple registration process, you will have full and instant access to all of our products. 

Starting with the January editions: 

  • Digital editions are now available only to subscribers of the magazine. 
  • Selected articles from each edition of this magazine will only be available to subscribers in the digital edition itself. Only summaries of these stories will appear on

This is a change from putting all WATT animal agribusiness magazine stories on Publishing all stories in both the magazines and on the website gave us wide distribution, but we often didn’t know who was reading what type of stories.

Adding registration to our key stories gives us a much better understanding of the types of stories our subscribers are consuming.

Many stories from the magazines, all news, products, exclusive bloggers and Web-exclusive stories will still appear on, in addition to our exclusive features, such as Market Data and the Top Companies Database. 

Here are the some of the changes you will see within the pages of the magazines during the next few months. 

  • We have adjusted our designs to make magazines easier to read in a digital format.
  • We are eliminating some traditional departments — often referred to as news — in the print and digital magazines. We are still covering important developments and happenings in the industry as stand-alone stories, rather than a collection of short news items. 
  • We have expanded our editorial staff by adding topic-specific experts covering nutrition, food safety and business. 

Readers will still be able to easily access magazine-exclusive articles and complete digital editions from the website. 

To fully access these new features, simply make sure you are registered at Registration is free and easy. If you are already a subscriber to one or more WATT publications, use the same email address for all subscriptions and registration to the website. That way, the website will recognize you and your magazine subscriptions and pass you immediately to the magazine-only features. 

Here’s how it works 
You will see magazine-only stories featured on Simply click on the story, and the website will guide you through the following steps. 

If you click on the link, one of three things will happen.

  1. If you are not logged into the website, you will see a short summary of the article. You will be asked to either register on the website or log in.
  2. If you are logged into the website and not a subscriber to a magazine, you will see a short summary of the article, with an invitation to subscribe to the magazine. Subscription is free, and signing up only takes a few minutes.
  3. If you are logged into the site and a subscriber to the magazine, the link will take you directly to the story in the digital edition.

You can still access the digital editions of all magazines using the buttons at the top of the website. If you are logged into the website and a subscriber, the button will take you directly to the latest digital edition. If you are not a subscriber, the button will take you to a form to fill out for your FREE subscription. If you are not logged into the website, the buttons will not function until you are logged in.

WATT’s editors started working on this concept a year ago. We welcome your feedback. You can contact me directly at [email protected].

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