China pig producers discuss scientific advancements at EuroTier Europe-China summit

Chinese pig producers are looking to raise the scientific level of their systems and accelerate production — and they are ready to work with their colleagues in Europe in a joint effort to do this and improve the world-wide industry. The deputy secretary general of the China Animal Agricultural Association, Gong Guifen, spoke at EuroTier 2012 in Hanover, Germany, on November 12, at the Europe-China Pig Summit.

Chinese pig producers are looking to raise the scientific level of their systems and accelerate production — and they are ready to work with their colleagues in Europe in a joint effort to do this and improve the world-wide industry.

The deputy secretary general of the China Animal Agricultural Association, Gong Guifen, spoke at EuroTier 2012 in Hanover, Germany, on November 12, at the Europe-China Pig Summit. “China is a huge pig producer and consumer, while Europe has state-of-the-art technology and has played a substantial role in the successful development of the global industry," she said. “Together they could achieve great things. So, I hope this meeting provide for a profitable exchange between the two regions.”

Helmut Ehlen, the president of ZDS, the umbrella organization of pig production in Germany, opened the conference, which was organized by the European Pig Producers. “China is important as a producer and an important partner in the international market," said Ehlen. “There is a growing need and demand for meat across the world, with different eating habits leading to new markets, and I am optimistic for the future for pig meat, which already enjoys the lion’s share of the meat market.”

Dr. Mike Varley of the Pig Technology Company, who has been working in south and south east Asia for the past 25 years, said he agreed that the future looked optimistic and that rapid improvements in Asia opened up the door for European and U.S. companies to help Asian producers continue to grow. This included providing:

  • Systems that offer better biosecurity
  • Technology to improve food safety
  • New animal welfare techniques
  • Better genetics
  • Medication and skills to help the Asian industry combat disease and improve their health status

“There are also export opportunities, especially to China now, but I think in the future they may do it all themselves, so Europeans should get in now to help them build up their industry and pig production companies," said Varley. He also said that Asian pig producers were quick to take up new technology, quick to learn and worked well together. They also saved to invest for the future, which he said was vital to ensure a successful future for the whole pig industry.

EuroTier 2012 will take place November 13–16, in Hanover, Germany.

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