USPOULTRY releases videos on poultry production antibiotic use

To help provide answers to how and why antibiotics are used in the poultry industry, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association has created a series of six short videos called Poultry Insight. The videos provide information about antibiotic resistance, antibiotic residues, why and when antibiotics are used, who regulates antibiotic use, and what would happen if the poultry industry stopped using antibiotics.

To help provide answers to how and why antibiotics are used in the poultry industry, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association has created a series of six short videos called Poultry Insight. The videos provide information about antibiotic resistance, antibiotic residues, why and when antibiotics are used, who regulates antibiotic use, and what would happen if the poultry industry stopped using antibiotics.

"USPOULTRY and our members recognize consumers have questions about antibiotics. This series of videos is designed to provide a general overview about antibiotics and antibiotic use in the poultry industry, and we welcome any feedback from consumers who have additional questions," said USPOULTRY president John Starkey. 

The videos are a discussion with Dr. John Glisson, retired head of the Department of Population Health at the University of Georgia, and former head of the Department of Avian Medicine and associate dean of Public Service and Outreach at the University of Georgia's College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Glisson now serves as USPOULTRY’s Director of Research.

“It is through funds generated by the International Poultry Expo that USPOULTRY is able to develop educational pieces of this type. This video series is only one example of the IPE funds that have been funneled back into the industry over the years. We sincerely appreciate the support of our members and exhibitors that allowed USPOULTRY to develop this information,” said Mark Waller, Ingram Farms, Cullman, Ala., and chairman of U.S. Poultry & Egg Association.

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