USPOULTRY Foundation awards grant to Auburn University

The USPOULTRY Foundation recently awarded a $13,632 student recruiting grant to Auburn University’s Poultry Science Department. Mark Hickman, president and CEO of Peco Foods and USPOULTRY board member, presented the check to Dr. Don Connor, head of the Poultry Science Department at Auburn University.

Dr. Don Connor, head of Auburn University’s Poultry Science Department, left, accepts the USPOULTRY Foundation student recruiting grant check presented by Mark Hickman, president and CEO of Peco Foods and USPOULTRY board member.
Dr. Don Connor, head of Auburn University’s Poultry Science Department, left, accepts the USPOULTRY Foundation student recruiting grant check presented by Mark Hickman, president and CEO of Peco Foods and USPOULTRY board member.

The USPOULTRY Foundation recently awarded a $13,632 student recruiting grant to Auburn University’s Poultry Science Department. Mark Hickman, president and CEO of Peco Foods and USPOULTRY board member, presented the check to Dr. Don Connor, head of the Poultry Science Department at Auburn University

“The Auburn University Poultry Science Department is extremely grateful to the USPOULTRY Foundation for its support in recruiting high quality students into our program. This funding will enable us to effectively publicize the outstanding educational and career opportunities that are available for poultry science majors. Our departmental mission is to develop poultry industry leaders for the future, and these funds are essential in helping us meet this mission,” said Dr. Connor.

The USPOULTRY Foundation board recently approved student recruiting grants totaling more than $160,000 to the six U.S. universities with poultry science departments and 15 other institutions with industry-related programs. The Foundation provides annual recruiting funds to colleges and universities to attract students to their poultry programs. 

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