New Aviagen achool highlights breeder management

The new Aviagen production management school for customers in Europe, Turkey, the Middle East and Africa highlighted breeder management during its week-long spread, and included lectures, practical workshops and demonstrations. A wide range of topics were discussed, including ventilation, nutrition, health and general management practices.

The new Aviagen production management school for customers in Europe, Turkey, the Middle East and Africa highlighted breeder management during its week-long spread, and included lectures, practical workshops and demonstrations.

A wide range of topics were discussed, including ventilation, nutrition, health and general management practices. “The focus of the school is very much on the ‘why’ as opposed to the ‘how’ and ‘what’," said Nick Spenceley, course director. "Those attending our various modules will already have excellent practical knowledge and what we aim to do is focus on the importance of specific tasks and the dynamics between the various specialist technical areas."

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