ADM Alliance Nutrition names vice presidents

ADM Alliance Nutrition Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Archer Daniels Midland Company, has appointed two senior executives to fill the roles of retiring Alliance Nutrition president Terry Myers and Frank Huber, vice president, international. Mike Manning has been named vice president, Alliance Nutrition North America. Manning was previously vice president, North America feed operations, for Alliance Nutrition and will now be responsible for all North American feed and premix businesses.

ADM Alliance Nutrition Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Archer Daniels Midland Company, has appointed two senior executives to fill the roles of retiring Alliance Nutrition president Terry Myers and Frank Huber, vice president, international.

Mike Manning has been named vice president, Alliance Nutrition North America. Manning was previously vice president, North America feed operations, for Alliance Nutrition and will now be responsible for all North American feed and premix businesses. Jack Cwach has been named vice president, international. He will be responsible for the management of all facilities in China and the Caribbean as well as all international joint ventures, and will also oversee international business development.

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