USPOULTRY names new research award after Dr. Charles Beard

The U.S. Poultry & Egg Association recognized Dr. Charles Beard for his contributions to the research program of USPOULTRY and USPOULTRY Foundation by naming a new research award after him. After joining USPOULTRY in 1993, Dr. Beard served as vice president of research and served on the research advisory committee, guiding the program for 17 years.

Dr. Charles Beard
Dr. Charles Beard

The U.S. Poultry & Egg Association recognized Dr. Charles Beard for his contributions to the research program of USPOULTRY and USPOULTRY Foundation by naming a new research award after him. 

After joining USPOULTRY in 1993, Dr. Beard served as vice president of research and served on the research advisory committee, guiding the program for 17 years. The Charles Beard Research Excellence Award will annually recognize an outstanding completed research project, funded by USPOULTRY and its foundation, which has made a significant positive impact on the poultry industry. 

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