Ross distributor holds 40th Japan Chunky Association meeting

Ross distributor Nippon Chunky Co. Ltd. held the 40th Japan Chunky Association (JCA) meeting held in Okayama City on May 29. Over 90 senior customer executives and key members of the Aviagen international management team attended the annual meeting, which focused on Aviagen strategy and broiler industry issues.

Ross distributor Nippon Chunky Co. Ltd. held the 40th Japan Chunky Association (JCA) meeting held in Okayama City on May 29. 

Over 90 senior customer executives and key members of the Aviagen international management team attended the annual meeting, which focused on Aviagen strategy and broiler industry issues. “Ross has a sound history and performance record in the Japanese market," said Orapan Chansawat, vice president of Ross Aviagen Asia. "The meeting was an indication of the well-established distributor and customer relationships and the effort that has been exerted by all to achieve the leading performance of the Ross 308 product in the market."

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