UK project to study environmental impact of turkey production

The UK turkey industry, which relies heavily on imported protein sources, has invested in measuring the environmental impact of turkey production in order to better understand the sustainability challenges facing turkey production. The collaborative research project is being run by Newcastle and Cranfield Universities together with UK producers, feed companies and the British Poultry Council.

The UK turkey industry, which relies heavily on imported protein sources, has invested in measuring the environmental impact of turkey production in order to better understand the sustainability challenges facing turkey production.

The collaborative research project is being run by Newcastle and Cranfield Universities together with UK producers, feed companies and the British Poultry Council. All elements of the turkey sector are represented by the project including indoor reared, free range and organic, as well as the breeders and feed companies. The £655,000 project has been part-funded by the government’s Technology Strategy Board, with further support from DEFRA and British Poultry Council members.

“This is an impressive and exciting project, with turkey producers showing real leadership on improving environmental performance and sustainability," said Peter Bradnock, chief executive of the British Poultry Council. "The poultry industry has always worked hard on this front and has an impressive record of feeding the nation in a sustainable, responsible and highly efficient way. But we all need to continue evaluating and innovating as resources become increasing scarce.”

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