Industrial building association highlights importance of ventilation in livestock buildings

Members of the Rural and Industrial Design and Building Association focused on how they can help farmers optimize ventilation in livestock buildings at their recent quarterly council meeting, which included guest speaker Jim Loynes, former ADAS buildings design specialist and current assistant head of engineering at Harper Adams University College.

Members of the Rural and Industrial Design and Building Association focused on how they can help farmers optimize ventilation in livestock buildings at their recent quarterly council meeting, which included guest speaker Jim Loynes, former ADAS buildings design specialist and current assistant head of engineering at Harper Adams University College.

A well-designed ventilation system (natural or mechanical) helps to remove dust, excess moisture and bacteria from a livestock building while providing a minimum air flow rate and a draught-free lying area for stock, said Loynes. Suppliers need to know exactly how the farmer intends to use the building and what animals will be housed in it (in terms of numbers, breed, housing period, feeding, bedding, slurry system and so on). Perhaps more importantly, which QA scheme the farmer aims to satisfy must be known, said Loynes.

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