BOCM PAULS introduces online pig carcass analysis system

BOCM PAULS has introduced its dataporc online pig carcass analysis system to pig famers worldwide, expanding the system's scope from UK farmers. The system is available in two forms: “dataporc home” for those who want to own, manage and utilize all its features to suit their own particular circumstances, and “dataporc idesk” for farmers preferring to leave its operation to the company’s specialist team on short-term contract or as and when required.

BOCM PAULS has introduced its dataporc online pig carcass analysis system to pig famers worldwide, expanding the system's scope from UK farmers.

The system is available in two forms: “dataporc home” for those who want to own, manage and utilize all its features to suit their own particular circumstances, and “dataporc idesk” for farmers preferring to leave its operation to the company’s specialist team on short-term contract or as and when required. Costs are related to the program format and factors selected. Features of the dataporc program, in either version, allow the producer to assess the effect of a changing contract, thus helping to optimize potential financial returns, according to BOCM PAULS. The cost of sending pigs for processing out of specification — over or underweight — can also be calculated. The program also makes possible the financial evaluation of the effects of selling pigs early or growing them on. 

The program can be used to accurately calculate the revenue that should be received for each pig/batch/load sent away. The performance data recorded will enable producers/managers to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses on the farm or unit, providing the opportunity to incentivize staff accordingly. “Dataporc is particularly valuable when it comes to changing contracts,” said Louise Radford, who manages the programs. “It will help to indicate how a different contract will affect returns using previously stored physical and financial data to determine the financial implications to the business.” 

Other features include contract negotiation; carcass management — the cost of out-of-specification pigs and reaching the financial potential of your pigs; payment auditing and performance management. “Our overall objective in developing dataporc is to help producers maximize the financial potential of their pigs," said Radford. "Either of the two programs will provide an effective way of doing this on large or small units wherever situated. At present over 12,000 pigs a week are recorded in the UK on the dataporc home system.

“No matter where the subscriber is located — in any part of the world — we can offer on-line technical back-up support service and, if required, full training on use and implementation of the system,” said Radford. 

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