Voice of British pig industry awarded Member of British Empire

Creator of Pig World magazine and the National Pig Association website Digby Scott has been awarded Member of the British Empire in the Queen's Birthday Honors in recognition of his contributions to farming. Scott has worked in the industry since 1986. He created and funds the Pig Industry Service Award (latterly the Chris Brant award) to recognize those who go the extra mile for the pig industry and was himself given a special service award by the industry in 2011.

Creator of Pig World magazine and the National Pig Association website Digby Scott has been awarded Member of the British Empire in the Queen's Birthday Honors in recognition of his contributions to farming.

Scott has worked in the industry since 1986. He created and funds the Pig Industry Service Award (latterly the Chris Brant award) to recognize those who go the extra mile for the pig industry and was himself given a special service award by the industry in 2011. Scott also edited and published the Agskills Newsletter, and latterly supported and funded the Trainee of the Year Award.

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