British Pig Executive publishes Pig Yearbook detailing industry statistics

All the latest facts and figures concerning the UK pig industry are revealed in a new “Pig Yearbook” that has just been released by the British Pig Executive. The data was collated by the Market Intelligence section of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, of which the British Pig Executive is a division, and includes the key indicators which contribute to overall herd performance.

All the latest facts and figures concerning the UK pig industry are revealed in a new “Pig Yearbook” that has just been released by the British Pig Executive.

The data was collated by the Market Intelligence section of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, of which the British Pig Executive is a division, and includes the key indicators which contribute to overall herd performance:

  • Farrowing rate
  • Litters per sow per year
  • Pigs born alive per litter
  • Mortality rates
  • Feed conversion ratio
  • Daily liveweight gain
  • Average carcass weight

The yearbook also includes a range of key industry statistics, financial data, international comparisons of performance and carcass classification data. "Perhaps the most important indicator of sow productivity is the number of piglets born alive per litter," said Senior Analyst Stephen Howarth of the data's usefulness. "In 2011, this averaged 11.4 piglets, compared with a low point of 10.7 piglets in 2004. In fact, the top third of producers were able to produce an average of 12.17 piglets per litter in 2011, while the best tenth reached 12.73."

Supplies of the publication are limited, but anybody who would like a copy should contact Dorian Harris.

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