British Pig Executive DVD contains guide to industry

A new DVD containing a comprehensive introduction to pig production for newcomers to the business, as well as allied industries and anybody who wants to know what the business is all about, has been released by the British Pig Executive. With contributions from BPEX Chairman Stewart Houston and National Pig Association President Richard Longthorp, as well as representative from allied industries, the DVD — “Introduction to the Industry: An overview of the pig sector” — is part of the latest effort by UK pig producers to improve the image of the industry, show just how valuable it is to the nation and attract new blood.

A new DVD containing a comprehensive introduction to pig production for newcomers to the business, as well as allied industries and anybody who wants to know what the business is all about, has been released by the British Pig Executive.

With contributions from BPEX Chairman Stewart Houston and National Pig Association President Richard Longthorp, as well as representative from allied industries, the DVD — “Introduction to the Industry: An overview of the pig sector” — is part of the latest effort by UK pig producers to improve the image of the industry, show just how valuable it is to the nation and attract new blood. It provides full details of what is done on the farm through to the retailer and is split up into several areas, including processing, marketing, breeding and how the industry is incorporating new technology in its efforts to move forward in the fields of health and welfare and food safety.

The DVD has been described by many as a useful guide, spelling out the key components of the industry, which is currently worth about £9 billion a year and provides almost half the pig meat eaten in the UK. 

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