Pfizer 2012 coccidiosis control webinar series

Take part in a three-part webinar series entitled, “Successfully managing the intestinal health of poultry flocks: Coccidiosis control,” to be equipped for effective and sustainable coccidiosis control in poultry flocks. The series begins Tuesday, July 24, 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, with the presentation, “Promoting intestinal health of poultry flocks to help control coccidiosis.”

1207 Watt Ag Net Webinarseries Image 342x275

Take part in a three-part webinar series entitled, “Successfully managing the intestinal health of poultry flocks: Coccidiosis control,” to be equipped for effective and sustainable coccidiosis control in poultry flocks.

The series begins Tuesday, July 24, 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, with the presentation, “Promoting intestinal health of poultry flocks to help control coccidiosis.”

Experts presenting the latest techniques and insight from research in the webinar include:



Topics to be covered include:


  • Farm management/Litter management
  • Related disease challenges (Marek’s disease, Infectious bursal disease, etc.)
  • Monitoring the coccidiosis challenge (Field necropsy; Polymerase Chain Reaction)
  • Management tools: Anticoccidial drugs, vaccines, natural agents


The webinar series, sponsored by Pfizer Animal Health, is free to the poultry industry audience by registering at

Who should attend? The webinar audience will include poultry industry personnel, including live production managers, poultry flock veterinarians, researchers and others interested in coccidiosis control in the poultry industry.

Other webinars in the series include:


  • “Technologies and strategies for coccidiosis control in poultry flocks,” Tuesday, August 21, 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time
  • “Future approaches to promoting poultry intestinal health and coccidiosis control,” Tuesday, September 18, 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time


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