Chile pig farm leads to community health crisis, mass slaughtering

Poor conditions at a Chilean mega pig factory owned by Agrosuper have led to a community health crisis and resulted in the announced slaughtering of every pig on the farm, according to reports. Residents of the nearby community have been complaining of detrimental health symptoms, such as severe headaches and stomach pains, since September 2011, due to biowaste coming from the plant.

Poor conditions at a Chilean mega pig factory owned by Agrosuper have led to a community health crisis and resulted in the announced slaughtering of every pig on the farm, according to reports.

Residents of the nearby community have been complaining of detrimental health symptoms, such as severe headaches and stomach pains, since September 2011, due to biowaste coming from the plant. Fines from Chile's Health Authority have been unsuccessful in resolving the issue, and a recent protest riot shut down the factory and prevented workers from reaching the facility to care for the pigs, who began to die from neglect.

Chilean authorities have declared a health alert at the plant following the pigs' deaths, and Agrosuper has declared that rather than moving the pigs to a new location, it will slaughter them.

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