Aviagen studies storage, hatchability improvement methods

Aviagen tests in the U.S., Europe and Australasia have demonstrated improvements in hatchability and chick quality when stored eggs are given short periods at incubation temperature during storage, a method the researchers have called SPIDES. Normally, according to the researchers, extended egg storage causes lower hatchability and higher cull rates.

Aviagen tests in the U.S., Europe and Australasia have demonstrated improvements in hatchability and chick quality when stored eggs are given short periods at incubation temperature during storage, a method the researchers have called SPIDES.

Normally, according to the researchers, extended egg storage causes lower hatchability and higher cull rates. The SPIDES method seems to offset these effects. To date, the SPIDES technique has been found to give 2 percent to 3 percent better hatch in eggs stored for 7–14 days and significantly more when they are stored for over two weeks. After a series of replicated experiments, field testing is currently being undertaken in Aviagen hatcheries around the world. Researchers are now focusing on how the technique can be applied on a commercial scale.

"The SPIDES technique will not completely prevent the decline in hatch due to long egg storage, but it can limit the loss and give much more predictability," said the researchers. "Aviagen believes it will be of considerable interest to the poultry industry."

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