KFC advertisement most complained-about in UK history

A KFC advertisement featuring call center workers singing with their mouths full is the most complained-about UK advertising campaign of all time. The 2005 television advertisement drew a record 1,671 complaints, with the majority objecting that it could encourage bad manners among children.

A KFC advertisement featuring call center workers singing with their mouths full is the most complained-about UK advertising campaign of all time. The 2005 television advertisement drew a record 1,671 complaints, with the majority objecting that it could encourage bad manners among children.

Despite the complaints, the UK Advertising Standards Authority found that the advertisement was unlikely to change children’s behavior or undermine parental authority, but conceded that it may not be to everyone’s taste.

The ranking was released by the Advertising Standards Authority, which has compiled a list of most complained-about advertisements as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations.

“Our top ten most complained about ads of all time certainly reveal what gets the public talking,” said Advertising Standards Authority Chairman Rt. Hon. Lord Smith of Finsbury. 

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