Research challenges existing data on egg consumption

Eggs are experiencing a “rebirth” among many health and nutrition experts due to recent research challenging existing dogmas about nutrition and health, stated Dr. Mitch Kanter, executive director of the Egg Nutrition Center, in a presentation during the Simmering Issues Workshop at the 2012 Midwest Poultry Federation Convention in St. Paul, Minn. Previously considered unhealthy, eggs are now being extolled for their nutrient density, high-quality protein, and relatively low cost in comparison to other protein sources.

Dr. Mitch Kanter
Dr. Mitch Kanter

Eggs are experiencing a “rebirth” among many health and nutrition experts due to recent research challenging existing dogmas about nutrition and health, stated Dr. Mitch Kanter, executive director of the Egg Nutrition Center, in a presentation during the Simmering Issues Workshop at the 2012 Midwest Poultry Federation Convention in St. Paul, Minn. Previously considered unhealthy, eggs are now being extolled for their nutrient density, high-quality protein, and relatively low cost in comparison to other protein sources.

Much of this rebirth is being driven by data indicating that egg intake does not promote cardiovascular disease in the majority of the population, according to Kanter. Recent studies are indicating the positive impact of a higher protein diet for modulating serum glucose and insulin levels, both of which can ultimately impact obesity rates and cardiovascular disease risk.

Further driving this resurgence are studies suggesting that breakfast might be the most important meal of the day for consuming protein.  Coupled with data demonstrating that higher protein intakes can increase satiety, enhance muscle tissue growth and re-synthesis, and minimize muscle loss in the elderly, the future for egg consumption in the U.S appears bright.

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