Korea pig veterinary congress offers award for best abstract

The 2012 International Pig Veterinary Society Congress organizing committee has announced that a travel award of US$1,000 will be given to the presenter(s) of the best scientific abstract from each available topic selected by the congress' scientific committee. Only students (both DVM and graduate students) are available for this award, and they must submit their completed abstract as the first author to apply for the award.

The 2012 International Pig Veterinary Society Congress organizing committee has announced that a travel award of US$1,000 will be given to the presenter(s) of the best scientific abstract from each available topic selected by the congress' scientific committee.

Only students (both DVM and graduate students) are available for this award, and they must submit their completed abstract as the first author to apply for the award. According to the organizing committee, the travel award is neither a prize nor scholarship. The award is intended to defray expenses associated with attending the congress (i.e., registration, airfare, ground transportation, lodging, meals) but not to cover the total cost.

The award (certificate with prize) will be given out either on site at the end of the congress with recognizing awardees at the farewell gala dinner or mailed out at a later date.

The 22nd International Pig Veterinary Society Congress will be held from June 10 to June 13 at the ICC JEJU, in Jeju, Korea. Early registration for the event ends on March 15.

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