Animal health company Novus honored for support of arts

Animal health company Novus International Inc. was selected by the Arts and Education Council to receive its 2012 Corporate Support of the Arts Award, given annually to one organization that demonstrates a commitment to the local arts community. The company says it commits time, resources and people to the artistic well-being of its headquarters location in St. Louis, Mo., and encourages its employees to be active in the local arts community.

Animal health company Novus International Inc. was selected by the Arts and Education Council to receive its 2012 Corporate Support of the Arts Award, given annually to one organization that demonstrates a commitment to the local arts community.

The company says it commits time, resources and people to the artistic well-being of its headquarters location in St. Louis, Mo., and encourages its employees to be active in the local arts community. The award was presented at the 21st Annual Arts Awards ceremony on January 23.

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