FDA permits regulation of antibiotics in animal feed by industry

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently withdrew its proposal to regulate the use of antibiotics in animal feed, instead leaving it up to the livestock industry to regulate itself and voluntarily limit the use of antibiotics. Critics are upset the FDA's decision was announced during the holiday season, when it may have gone unnoticed, while some food and health experts say using the drugs can lead to antibiotic-resistance for people.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently withdrew its proposal to regulate the use of antibiotics in animal feed, instead leaving it up to the livestock industry to regulate itself and voluntarily limit the use of antibiotics.

Critics are upset the FDA's decision was announced during the holiday season, when it may have gone unnoticed, while some food and health experts say using the drugs can lead to antibiotic resistance for people. The Natural Resources Defense Council has sued the FDA to with withdraw its approval of mixing the drugs with animal feed, according to a report.  

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