Hong Kong to become Brazil’s main pig meat export destination

By the end of 2011, Hong Kong will become the main market for Brazil's pig meat exports, according to Brazil’s pig meat producers’ and exporters’ association, ABIPECS. Brazil has been keen to reduce its dependency on trade with Russia and, as well as boosting trade with Hong Kong, it has also succeeded in exporting more to the Ukraine, Angola, Singapore, Uruguay, Albania, Venezuela and Haiti.

By the end of 2011, Hong Kong will become the main market for Brazil's pig meat exports, according to Brazil’s pig meat producers’ and exporters’ association, ABIPECS.

Brazil has been keen to reduce its dependency on trade with Russia and, as well as boosting trade with Hong Kong, it has also succeeded in exporting more to the Ukraine, Angola, Singapore, Uruguay, Albania, Venezuela and Haiti. In 2012, exports to Hong Kong and China should overtake those to Russia, which is still Brazil’s main export market. Exports to Russia in October fell by 83.77% in comparison with October 2010. The first shipments to China are due to occur in November.

Between January and October 2011, Brazil exported 120,730 tons of pig meat to Russia, traditionally its main export market, while exports to Hong Kong reached 105,500 tons.

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