AVEC is a voluntary, non-profit organization created in 1966, and represents and promotes the interests of the European poultry sector.

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AVEC is a voluntary, non-profit organization created in 1966, and represents and promotes the interests of the European poultry sector.

Since its establishment, several countries have joined the EU and its members now comprise national organizations representing poultry slaughterhouses and the poultry trade in 16 EU member countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK.

Member organizations are represented on the board of AVEC by one board member and one deputy board member. Board meetings are held four times a year.

The annual general assembly of AVEC takes place during the month of September or October and regroups a total of more than 160 delegates. Industry and EU institution speakers are invited to give their views on current issues.

The organization seeks to find solutions to common issues, including improving competitiveness in an ever changing world. It closely follows the developments in international trade and market conditions and keeps close contact with member organizations, other European stakeholders and the EU global institutions.

It is actively involved with other stakeholders including COPA-COGECA, EFPRA, EFFAB, CLITRAVI, UECBV, FVE, COCERAL, FEDIOL and FEFAC, and cosigns position papers for submission to the European Commission and Parliament.

Since 2005, AVEC has been permanemently based in Brussels. The secretariat collects information on current issues and distributes it to the member organizations. AVEC furthermore fulfills the function of intermediary and adviser to its member organizations.

AVEC is a founding charter member of the International Poultry Council, founded in 2005 to bring together poultry industry leaders from around the world to address issues of trade, science, and improved relations among nations.

For more information, go to: www.avec-poultry.eu   


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