UK forecasts poultry production to rise 1.86% by 2015

By 2015, United Kingdom poultry production should reach 1.6 million metric tons, up 1.86% from 2011 through 2015, according to a recent Research and Markets report. In 2011, poultry production is forecast to rise by 0.36%, to 1.57 million metric tons.

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By 2015, United Kingdom poultry production should reach 1.6 million metric tons, up 1.86% from 2011 through 2015, according to a recent Research and Markets report.

In 2011, poultry production is forecast to rise by 0.36%, to 1.57 million metric tons. Rising feed prices are largely responsible for the modest expansion, according to the report. In addition, the EU Broiler Welfare Directive, which sets maximum levels for the stocking of broiler chickens, was implemented in the UK at the end of 2010. Operators stocking over 39kg/m2 have had to decide whether to increase the size of their facilities to reduce density or to trim the size of their flocks.

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