USPOULTRY, Harold E. Ford Foundation release school lesson plans

With funding from the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the Harold E. Ford Foundation has made possible the production and release of a lesson plan for high school educators. The program entitled “Poultry and Egg Production Curriculum” represents part of the association’s outreach program to educate students about poultry production.

With funding from the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the Harold E. Ford Foundation has made possible the production and release of a lesson plan for high school educators. The program entitled “Poultry and Egg Production Curriculum” represents part of the association’s outreach program to educate students about poultry production.

“Educating the next generation of consumers and encouraging bright young students to pursue higher education at careers in the poultry industry continue to be important goals,” said Steve Willardsen, chairman of USPOULTRY board of directors. A curriculum kit includes lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations on genetics, egg production and processing, poultry health and welfare, biosecurity and production by the major segments of the industry. The program was created through the cooperation of the California Poultry Federation, California Polytechnic State University and California State University-Fresno.

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