UK pig producers lagging behind

UK pig producers are lagging behind their European counterparts. Despite improvements in daily liveweight gain and pigs finished per sow, Britain is still lagging behind its European competitors in the production stakes, according to new figures from a publication on international cost of production.

Despite improvements in daily liveweight gain and pigs finished per sow, Britain is still lagging behind its European competitors in the production stakes, according to new figures from a publication on international cost of production.

These statistics, compiled by the British Pig Executive (BPEX), show Britain produced the lowest of all the EU countries in 2009 – managing only 1,643kg of pig meat per sow. Although this is 2% better than 2008, it is still well below the country’s target of 2,000kg of pig meat per sow to bring it into line with its major competitors by 2013.

The report, “Cost of Production in Selected Countries,” shows the cost of production for Britain's pig producers fell by 4%, compared with a 3% fall across Europe. BPEX director Mick Sloyan said: "The exchange rate has given us something of an advantage and we are narrowing the gap, but our competitors are not standing still so we must continue to seek improvements.”

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