IFIF Secretary General steps down

International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) Secretary General Roger Gilbert has left the organization to pursue other opportunities, as of the end of October 2010. He was Editor of Feed International before becoming a co-founder of IFIF 23 years ago.

International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) Secretary General Roger Gilbert has left the organization to pursue other opportunities, as of the end of October 2010. 

He was Editor of Feed International before becoming a co-founder of IFIF 23 years ago. 

The Federation now calculates that its membership represents over 90% of the compound feeds made industrially worldwide, with the recent decision by the national feed associations in Japan and Canada to become members alongside those of the USA, the European Union, China, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey and New Zealand. IFIF recently started a search to recruit an executive director to formulate its future strategy and it will shortly have new head office details. 

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