Second annual Chinese-European pig summit to be held at EuroTier 2010

The second annual EuroTier 2010 Chinese-European Pig Summit on November 17 will bring together international pig experts working in  breeding companies, feed industry specialists and key personnel in research, finance and marketing. Peter Best, consulting editor for WATT/Pig International is the moderator for the discussion and conclusions portion of the program.

The second annual EuroTier 2010 Chinese-European Pig Summit on November 17 will bring together international pig experts working in  breeding companies, feed industry specialists and key personnel in research, finance and marketing. Peter Best, consulting editor for WATT/Pig International is the moderator for the discussion and conclusions portion of the program.

Pig production and demand continue to climb in China, the world’s most avid consumer of pork. Rising incomes and strong urban migration trends have driven up the demand for pork, with pig producers across the country reporting favourable revenue performances in the first half of 2010. Despite severe flooding which has affected feed grain supplies and farming activities, major Chinese producers and integrators such as Achieved and Yurun have all reported healthy demand growth, with the outlook towards expansion.

However, the global pig industry is not without its challenges. Freakish weather across the world’s main grain regions has been affecting feed grain production, with the result that feed prices are likely to increase, a key impediment to profitable pig production. The outbreak of African swine fever in major pig-producing countries such as Russia is also keeping the global industry on its toes. Regulators and quality assurance programmes are also focusing more than ever on animal welfare in relation to pig  from their management on the farm to the slaughterhouse.

Against these global developments, the Chinese-European Pig Summit will address  market growth, pig health, animal welfare, regulatory concerns and pork self-sufficiency goals in China. 

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