AEB responds to October editorial on SE recall

The editorial on the SE recall which appeared in the October edition of Egg Industry elicited a number of favorable comments and support. The editorial contended that there were many organizations and agencies responsible for the outbreak which involved 1,500 diagnosed cases attributed to eggs allegedly supplied from Wright County Eggs and an affiliate.

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The editorial on the SE recall which appeared in the October edition of Egg Industry elicited a number of favorable comments and support. The editorial contended that there were many organizations and agencies responsible for the outbreak which involved 1,500 diagnosed cases attributed to eggs allegedly supplied from Wright County Eggs and an affiliate. The only communication expressing a contrary view was in the form of a letter reproduced below which places the actions of the American Egg Board (AEB) in perspective.

The facts as stated by Craig Willardson, the chairman of the AEB, confirm that the board recognized the gravity of the situation and the potential for erosion of consumer confidence in shell eggs. Noting the efforts of an industry organization with respect to crisis control, the AEB marshaled their resources in public relations and applied their considerable credibility and goodwill among the media to provide factual information concerning SE, consistent with the mandate to provide consumer education.

It would be unfortunate and unjustified if the SE incident and recall detracts from financial support for the AEB. This body is critical to the wellbeing of the industry and must continue to provide leadership in research, education and promotion for which it requires continued income through the USDA-administered check-off program.  

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