GIPSA rules to hurt grower incentives, says poultry integrator

Proposed Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rules would increase litigation and hurt industry competitiveness, because of the rules’ vague language and provisions, said chicken industry executives participating in a National Chicken Council panel in Washington. “The proposed GIPSA rules are set up to reduce incentives,” said Mike Roberts, president, food products business, Perdue Farms.

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Mike Roberts
Mike Roberts

Proposed Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rules would increase litigation and hurt industry competitiveness, because of the rules’ vague language and provisions, said chicken industry executives participating in a National Chicken Council panel in Washington.

“The proposed GIPSA rules are set up to reduce incentives,” said Mike Roberts, president, food products business, Perdue Farms. “We are really concerned about not being able to incentivize our better producers, because we think it is going to hurt the quality of our product and we think it will hurt the quality of the producers that we will be able to attract over the long term.

“The vagueness in terms and provisions of the proposed rule would result, we believe, in increased litigation,” Roberts said. “And of course I think all of us understand that we spend enough time with counsel today on various subjects, but the recordkeeping required by this rule and the contract disclosures and cost justification requirements would increase and create a field day for trial lawyers and us trying to defend some of those things.”

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Hear a podcast of Mike Roberts’ comments and those of other poultry industry executives in a question-and-answer session, which occurred at the National Chicken Council (NCC) annual meeting in Washington, D.C. The podcast is accessible online at

Also participating were Donnie Smith, CEO, Tyson Foods; Don Jackson, CEO, Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation; and Bill Lovette, president and COO, Case Foods.

Video interviews with panelists Mike Roberts, Don Jackson and Bill Lovette can also be viewed online.

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